Do you believe your loved one might have been arrested or detained? Were they taken away by officials? If you are trying to locate them, you can use these websites to try to find them.

Remember to keep checking these websites regularly, since there may be a delay between the time your loved one is picked up and when their information is available online.

In some cases, individuals may be transferred from one facility to another — such as from a county jail to ICE — so you may have to search for them again on a different locator.  

If your loved one is picked up by CBP or ICE

If your loved one is picked up by CBP or ICE, you can search for them using the Online Detainee Locator System tool.

  • You will need either their A# and country of birth OR their biographical information (first name, last name, and country of birth). 
  • Information about ICE detention facilities where your loved one might have been taken to can be found here at the ICE detention facilities webpage
    • You can call the facility to get more information about your loved one. 
  • It is possible that your loved one might be held at a temporary detention facility before being transferred to one of the detention facilities listed above. Keep checking the Online Detainee Locator System tool to see if information about their whereabouts is updated.  

If your loved one is arrested by police officers, sheriffs, or the Department of Public Safety

If your loved one is arrested by police officers, sheriffs, or the Department of Public Safety, they will likely be taken to the county jail in the county of their arrest.  

  • Here is a table with links to the search pages for each county jail in Texas. Locate the counties you think your loved one might have been in or passed through. Search the lookup pages for each relevant county. 
  • If you still cannot find your loved one, you can try checking the Texas prison website in case they are listed there.

If you're unsure what kind of officials picked up your loved one

Unsure what kind of officials picked up your loved one? You can use the following descriptions and images to determine which locator tools to use. 

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

  • ICE officials usually wear civilian or plain clothing with black bulletproof vests. Oftentimes, it says “POLICE” on the front or back. ICE officials often drive unmarked vehicles. 

image of an ice agent from behind with his vest reading POLICE HSI

image of an ice agent from behind with his vest reading POLICE ICE

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

  • CBP officials usually wear green or dark blue uniforms. CBP officials often drive white vehicles with a green or blue stripe. 

border patrol agents in their green uniforms

image of an ice agent from behind with his vest reading POLICE U.S. CUSTOMS AN BORDER PROTECTION

Local and State Law Enforcement

  • Local and state officials (like DPS, sheriffs, and police) wear distinct uniforms with identifying insignias. These officials often drive vehicles marked with the name or logo of their department. 

image of texas dps agents

image of texas sheriffs

image of police

Learn more about your rights when interacting with law enforcement and immigration officials.