HOUSTON – Governor Greg Abbott today issued a proclamation limiting the locations where voters can submit mail-in ballots. Counties in Texas will only be allowed to designate one location for mail ballots.
Sarah Labowitz, policy & advocacy director for the ACLU of Texas, had the following reaction:
“We are dismayed that the governor of Texas decided to curtail the ability of Texans to cast their ballots safely in the middle of a pandemic by limiting the number of drop-off sites per county. While the governor asserts that he is attempting to ‘strengthen ballot security,’ we see this as yet another thinly disguised attempt to stymie the vote. As is well documented, Texas has a voter suppression problem, not a ballot security problem. The governor should work with counties to ensure that all timely mailed ballots are received and counted, and that all voters appearing at polling places to submit ballots or vote are free from harassment.”