Contact: Dotty Griffith, Public Education Director, ACLU Foundation of Texas
(713) 942-8146 x 103 or (832) 291-4776; [email protected]
HOUSTON – Dallas attorney, Kurt Schwarz, partner at Jackson Walker LLP, has succeeded Paul Asofsky as President of the Board of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Texas.
Asofsky, of Houston, a retired partner of the international firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, will remain on the board, which met in Houston July 28 for the Annual Membership Meeting.
“This marks a new beginning as well as my goal of maintaining the thoughtful and inspiring leadership Paul provided as board chairman,” said Schwarz. “Texas is the battle front for so many civil rights issues. Immigrants’ rights; criminal law reform, especially over-incarceration and ending the death penalty; youth rights including issues around criminalization of school discipline; and religious freedom are key areas of vigilance and activism for the ACLU of Texas. ”
Asofsky’s tenure included considerable growth of the state’s oldest civil liberties organization, known for its work in the courts and the legislature. Under his leadership, the organization has extended its activities as a watchdog of local and government action. The ACLU of Texas was founded in 1938 in San Antonio and will celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2013.
“I am proud to have been a leader in the growth of the ACLU of Texas,” said Asofsky. “In the past seven years, we have increased the number of our supporters to more than 20,000 statewide; with a core of 1,000 volunteer activists in communities – the ACLU of Texas CAN (Community Action Network) -- all over the state.”
Under Asofsky, the organization grew from three staff members in the Austin office to a total of 16 positions with additional offices in Houston and Brownsville.
“Paul had the courage and foresight to lead the relocation of our statewide headquarters to Houston last year,” said Terri Burke, Executive Director. “We owe him a lot for his dedication and wisdom through a period of grass roots growth and program development. We look forward to maintaining this momentum and continuing our dynamic defense of Texans’ civil liberties under the guidance of our new board and chairman, Kurt Schwarz.”
Other newly elected or re-elected members of the ACLU of Texas Board of Directors include:
- James Aldrete, Austin
- Richard Alvarado, San Antonio
- Nancy Friedman, Houston
- Madan Goyal, Plano
- MaryScott Hagle, Houston
- Lisa White Shirley, Dallas
Recently appointed directors filling unexpired terms include:
- Stephen Amberg, San Antonio
- Sahar Aziz, Grapevine
- Charles MarLett, Dallas
- Maria M. Ramos, Houston
Mid-term directors include:
- Jaime Diez, Brownsville
- Lee Henderson, Fort Worth
- Gilberto Hinojosa, Brownsville
- Reggie James, Austin
- Annette Lamoreaux, Houston
- Rev. Emilee Dawn Whitehurst, Houston
- Michael R. Wyatt, El Paso
- Susan Young, Houston