HOUSTON — The ACLU of Texas announces the appointment of three new members to its board of directors. Dian Cuellar Ruud of Austin will serve one year, completing an unexpired term before standing for re-election to a full term. MaryScott Hagle and Nicola Fuentes Toubia of Houston are each slated to serve three-year terms.
Nicola Fuentes Toubia is the founding member of Fuentes Toubia, PLLC, a law firm dedicated to the legal and tax issues facing nonprofits. Fuentes Toubia received her juris doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin School of Law, and her master’s of laws in taxation from the University of Houston Law Center. She previously served on the board of commissioners for the Houston Housing Authority.
MaryScott Hagle previously served two full terms on the ACLU of Texas board and after a two-year hiatus returns. Hagle is currently the executive director of the Dawn Center in Houston. She received her bachelor’s degree from Wellesley College and her master’s of architecture from the University of Texas at Austin.
Dian Cuellar Ruud is a clinical social worker at the University of Texas Counseling and Mental Health Center. Originally from Amarillo, Ruud served on the board of Planned Parenthood of West Texas. She earned her doctorate in social work from the University of Texas at Arlington.