No Texan Should Go to Jail for Exercising Our Constitutional Right To Protest

We're appealing the convictions of three community organizers in Gainesville, Texas, who were sentenced to jail for peacefully protesting.

In August 2020, Torrey, Amara, and Justin marched with approximately three dozen people along the main street of their small hometown of Gainesville, Texas, to protest a Confederate monument. The march was peaceful, short, and went smoothly. 

Days later, they were surprised to receive arrest warrants for “obstructing a highway or other passageway,” a Class B misdemeanor under Texas law. They were convicted and sentenced to jail and ordered to each pay a $2,000 fine. They’re afraid of losing their homes, jobs, and precious time with their loved ones, including young children.

Witness their story in their own words:

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We're asking the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn their convictions. If their convictions are upheld, it would set a dangerous precedent for Texans who value free speech.

Whether marching in a small town, rural area, or a big city, no Texan should go to jail for exercising our constitutional right to peacefully protest.