Fight Anti-LGBT legislation (HB2899)

April 19, 2017 @ 8:00 am
April 20, 2017 @ 10:45 pm

On Wednesday, April 19, the House of Representatives Committee on State Affairs will hear witness testimony on HB2899, a proposed alternative to the bathroom bill (SB6). The discriminatory proposal will leave thousands of transgender Texans without protections and vulnerable to harassment and violence in public spaces.

HB 2899 would ban municipalities and school districts from enforcing ordinances, orders, or other measures that protect transgender Texans from discrimination when using restrooms or changing facilities that correspond with their gender identity.

Show up to the Capitol this Wednesday and take a stand against LGBT discrimination in Texas. The HB2899 hearing is with the House State Affairs Committee. The hearing begins in the afternoon upon adjournment of House in the John H. Reagan Office Building room JHR 140.

If you're interested in testifying on Wednesday, read our TX lege cheat sheet here for tips to stay involved:

We cannot allow discriminatory legislation to pass that harms our LGBT neighbors, family and friends. Together, we will send a message that discrimination is not a Texas value.