Doe v. Abbott
The ACLU of Texas and partners filed a lawsuit on behalf of a transgender child, her parents, and a licensed psychologist against Gov. Abbott and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
Along with our advocacy, legislative, and public education work, litigation remains one of the fundamental tools with which the ACLU of Texas fights for equality and civil rights. See below for more information on the cases we've brought to the courts.
If you wish to request legal assistance, please visit our Legal Assistance page.
The ACLU of Texas and partners filed a lawsuit on behalf of a transgender child, her parents, and a licensed psychologist against Gov. Abbott and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
Major immigrant and civil rights organizations including the ACLU of Texas, Texas Civil Rights Project, and Texas Fair Defense Project, with the support of over 100 organizations, jointly filed a Title VI...
The ACLU of Texas and partners filed a federal lawsuit challenging new...
The ACLU of Texas filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of seven students against...
The ACLU of Texas along with ACLU National and other partners filed a federal lawsuit challenging a new Texas law banning abortion as early as six weeks in pregnancy, before many people know they are...