The Board of Directors represents the interests of the state's members and directs the activities of the ACLU of Texas and the ACLU Foundation of Texas.

Vote now in the 2024 Board election!

ACLU of Texas members who have paid their dues within the past 15 months are eligible to vote for the organization's Board of Directors. If your membership has lapsed, you can renew it before voting.

You will need your voter identification code to cast your online ballot. It can be found on your membership card. You should also have received your code via email. If you cannot locate your code, please contact [email protected].

You can view the biographies of all candidates on the election form.

Voting closes Thursday, July 18, at 11:59 p.m. CT.


How are candidates nominated? 

Our by-laws specify two methods for nominating candidates to serve as directors on the ACLU of Texas Board.

  • Candidates may be nominated by the Nominations Committee of the Board.
  • Candidates may be nominated by petition with the signatures of a minimum of 500 current members of the ACLU of Texas. 
    • Petitions must be postmarked by Saturday, May 4, 2024. 
    • They can be mailed to P.O. Box 8306, Houston, TX, 77288, or they may be submitted by email to [email protected]

Members in good standing may always contact [email protected] if they are interested in joining the Board of Directors to receive more information regarding vacancies on the Board and the roles and responsibilities of its members.